The new life in Christ

Yesterday, we continued our series through Galatians, the letter of good news where Paul keeps highlighting what Jesus has done for us! We looked together at the new freedom and new life we can have from God, the invitation is to all but it is up to us to receive and embrace this gift of freedom.

This emphasis on freedom comes with the warning not to return to slavery. Freedom in this world is often seen as doing what you want and being who you want, but this isn't real freedom. We are still bound by our sinful nature but God can rescue us from that so we are no longer bound and no longer face the penalty – He has taken our place and clothed us in His righteousness, knowing that we wouldn't be able to earn it ourselves!

Freedom is living for and with God, letting God write the story of our lives. He gives us His Spirit, His word and His people to help us navigate this world. He wants to grow in us the fruits of the Spirit so that we can be grounded in Him.

How can you put yourself in the place of growth this week - in your character, in the fruit of the Spirit, in your relationship with God, in letting Him set the direction?🍉


Paul’s selfie of a Christian


Annie Tanner Home Assignment (Nepal)