Keys to the New Testament

Ken continued our series through the book of Exodus, reminding us how the Old Testament is the key that unlocks our understanding of the New Testament. As we came to the final plague, we saw God's judgment in action, which Ken noted is often quite a difficult thing for us to get our heads round! But the Bible is clear that God will judge those who are disobedient to him, just like Pharaoh whose heart became hard to what God was asking of him.

But judgment is not where the story ends, in this passage we saw the blood of the lamb being used as a sign that the people within that household had decided to follow God, and the sacrifice of the lamb became the substitute for the first-born. Ken drew our attention to how this shows us that the God who is our Judge, is also our Saviour. The Israelites were commanded to celebrate this day for generations to come, taking time to remember how the judgment they should have borne, was put onto the lamb.

We are able to live out this celebration and commemoration daily, knowing that the ultimate sacrifice has been made by Jesus, the ultimate Lamb of God, so we are able to say, "I do this because of what the Lord did for me." 🍞🍷


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